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Message from Principal, DPS Khanapara

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Message from Principal, DPS Khanapara

Malvika Bhatt
Principal, DPS Khanapara

  It is rightly said that “A dream becomes a goal when action is taken towards its achievement” and DPS Dibrugarh is committed in taking constructive and purposeful actions to produce optimistic, independent, compassionate, life-long learners and leaders who will bring glory to the School, State and the Nation. Mr. Ram Awtar Agarwalla, the person himself under whose guidance and leadership a chain of Delhi Public Schools have been established in North East, has paved way to the commencement of this school with great fervour and conviction for achieving towering standards in the field of academics and other essential skills. My heartiest congratulations to him! I am sure that DPS Dibrugarh will leave no stone unturned to mould and sculpt the young illuminating minds, enrich their souls and ignite the spark of lifelong learning in them. I wish DPS Dibrugarh the very best and great success for the new beginning!