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Message from Principal, DPS Guwahati

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Message from Principal, DPS Guwahati

  A visionary perishes but the vision lives. A legendary chevalier dies but the legend prevails. DPS Guwahati, DPS Khanapara, DPS Jorhat are such legends and one such vision of Mr. Ram Awtar Agarwalla, the man with the revolutionary ideas. And now DPS Dibrugarh – a ‘dream come true’ which will sustain, thrive and live with the tides of time to live up to the expectations of its society. I am positive that the school will go far beyond the array of undaunted service to the state and to the nation at large, not only in the field of education, but also in social and humane spheres and will stride on the path of excellence. May Almighty give those dedicated teachers and new students, the wisdom and health, to lead them in the pursuit of excellence in different areas and help them have encouragement to face new learnings and new challenges. I wish the school and the new entrants – the new dipsites all the best.